想了解有關美國聯邦醫療保險(Medicare)和補助醫療保險(Medicare Supplement Insurance)嗎?活動中心於 11 月 8 日星期天下午 2 點再舉辦一場醫療保險講座,將邀請藍十字保險公司(BlueCross BlueShield)專員為大家提供美國聯邦醫療保險的完整介紹,還將介紹補助醫療保險 Medicare Supplement Insurance,補助醫療保險 Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) 是用於支付 original Medicare (Medicare Part A 和 Part B) 沒有支付的費用,例如自付額 (deductibles)、共保額 (coinsurance)、及共付額 (copayments)。補助醫療保險 Medicare Supplement Insurance 總共有十個不同的保險計劃 (Plan A to N),藍十字保險公司專員將會為您分析每個保險計劃的特㸃,幫助您根據自己的需要做最好的選擇。
此為線上講座,將以英文進行,搭配中文翻譯,需事先點此報名,Zoom 資訊(ID和密碼)會於活動前告知,敬請踴躍參加。
Come and join us for an informative session on how Medicare works. A Think Blue representative from BlueCross BlueShield will be on hand to educate you and help you navigate the different parts of Medicare, open enrollments, and how each part works with the other. You will also learn the basic terminology of Medicare so you can make well-informed decisions regarding your Medicare options. Medicare Supplement will also be covered. Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) helps pay some of the health care costs that original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Part B) doesn’t cover, such as deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments. There are 10 different plans (Plan A to N) in Medicare Supplement Insurance. The Think Blue representative will tell you the details of all the plans and help you make the best-informed decisions regarding your options.
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/PjJsJxegGYdmYTc86
*This seminar is supported by the grant from BlueCross BlueShield of Texas, Light and Salt Association and Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)
Express link for quotes: https://retailweb.hcsc.net/retailshoppingcart/TX/entry?ExpressLinkedAgentId=00Vofjx%2FoJgU01u8ZVWnbQ&plantype=medicare